Birmingham, AL 35235

Is It Dangerous to Fly with Varicose Veins?

Is It Dangerous to Fly with Varicose Veins?

If you suffer from painful varicose veins, they could affect your life in a variety of ways. Not only can this disease impact your confidence and cause you to cover up your legs, but the aches, pains, heaviness, and other symptoms could stop you from participating in activities you love. You may even worry about what could happen if you board an airplane. You might have heard that dangerous blood clots could form in relation to your varicose veins. If you’re planning to fly and you want to avoid this potential outcome, it’s time to speak with the specialists at The Vascular Institute of Birmingham about varicose vein treatment options. What if you don’t have time before your trip?

For those that suffer from varicose veins, there are many treatment options to explore, but if you have an upcoming trip planned that leaves little time for treatment until after the flight, you surely want to know if it’s safe to fly. Here’s what you need to know about flying with varicose veins and how to protect yourself from potential problems.

Dangers of Flying with Varicose Veins

Those who suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease could be at risk of side effects when flying due to changes in pressure. What does this have to do with varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a product of valve failure in the veins that cause blood to pool instead of pumping back to the heart as it normally would. This is responsible for the swelling that causes veins to bulge and become visible beneath the skin. In addition, blood clots can be a concern, especially when it comes to flying.

In conclusion, it isn’t dangerous to fly with varicose veins, but it can be risky. As long as you take proper precautions to protect yourself, your flight should go smooth. It is smart to exercise your legs and stretch before the flight. You also need to make sure that you drink plenty of water. It is also a good idea to wear compression socks.