Birmingham, AL 35235

Popliteal Entrapment


Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES) is a rare vascular disease that affects the legs of some young athletes. The muscle and tendons near the knee are positioned so that they compress the popliteal artery – the main artery that runs through and behind the knee.


Compression of the artery restricts blood flow to the lower leg and can damage the artery. Patients with PAES may be born with the condition due to a developmental defect in the calf muscle on the back of the lower leg (gastrocnemius or popliteus muscle) and the popliteal artery. The condition can also develop over time, as exercise and training lead to an enlarged calf muscle that compresses the popliteal artery.


Patients with PAES have history of aching pain, numbness, and tiredness or cramping in the calf when they exercise. The symptoms typically go away in three to five minutes of resting.

Risk Factors:

PAES occurs most often in male athletes under age 30, particularly those who are runners or play soccer, football or rugby. However, the condition can also affect young female athletes.